Our website product pictures include lots of information, so, before you make an order, you must understand our products picture. Just like the following image n our page. For example:
In the picture:
"1" is the earrings size, "2" is the pendant size, "E" = earrings, "P" = pendant, "N" = necklace, "R" =ring
"B"=bracelet, "D"= diameter, "W"= width, "H"= height, "L"= length, Maybe have a little error with the actual goods size. The error not more than 1millimeter. "3" is the picture model
"4" is the product weight, Including the packaging. Maybe have a little error with the actual goods weight. The error not more than 3gram. "5" is the product selling price
"6" can choose quantity 3 to 1000.
"8" if you add to wish list, in you cart , you can't see that goods